the Virtues of Life”
An Art Exhibition by Ng Foo Cheong
Sit at a coffee-shop on any morning,
and you would most likely see a cheerful group of youth talking and laughing
their hearts out; a fussing child with his parents; already late for work
adults rushing to clock-in; some crazy person who tries to dash across the
traffic congested street ; honking of cars, school buses,
motor bikes, bicycles; suddenly, an old lady screams and yells her lungs out as
a snatch thief takes off with her cash-laden handbag. Amid this illustrated
view, that tantalizing fragrance of freshly brewed coffee whiffs pass you on
this typical morning’s pandemonium. The panorama of life is certainly a tune of
all sorts, occasionally melodious.
Often enough, the hums of living
would steer us onto an uneven, demanding pathway.
Yet, we attempt to remain sturdy on life’s causeway avoiding the pathway’s
furrows, while desiring nothing less than to experience a harmonious and
meaningful human journey. Unfortunately, life is often a tenor off pitch. It
finds in itself a challenge to be rhythmically steady in an unpredictable,
disordered world. Nevertheless, if
wisdom is imbued in the passage of one’s life, it stimulates nurturing of
virtues, the timbres which can bridge you from those ever so chaotic sounds of
the world into a tunefulness of a fulfilling life.
Angelina Chong
Art Historian and Art Educator
Malaysia and U.S.A.